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The Danger of Chaos Print
From Thursday, 27 January 2011 -  21:00
To Sunday, 30 January 2011 - 13:00
Every day

The Mist swirled about, making identification impossible.

They were just varying shapes of grey in the Mist.

And then.... a shape was almost recognisable.

Was that their prey... they one they sought?

But as soon as it was seen it was gone.

The journey had been hard so far, the path very different from those they normally trod, but their guide had been helpful, at least they thought he had.

And then, dark shapes came out of the gloom, strange twisted creatures, the like of which they had not seen....screams in the twilight, then silence.

Then pain.

There was always pain.

Their mission's importance bore down on them like the weight of the world.

Would things ever be right again?


The Kingdon of the Valleys have announced that a group will be sent to northern Orin Rakatha to investigate the area where Illithian Greenhearts body was found. Despite all efforts, it has not been possible to resurrect him, and this coupled with the recent difficulties resurrecting other member of the Kingdom is of great concern. All willing advenurers are asked to muster outside the Towers on the 27th, and transport to the area will be arranged, as travel on foot around Orin Rakatha is still extremely dangerous, due to the eratic and unusual mist activity. 


Location: Blackwells


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