The Passing of the King - Crusade PDF Print E-mail

These are mere notes from the Crusade, but perhaps they will have some meaning to members of the Alliance, particularly from the Order of Saint Michel.  I make these freely available to all – Kevralyn Soulfire.


The words of Mallorm-Mar, White Seer.


The Compass of Seers is a thing of balance, fed by the faith of the people.


A King needs to have faith in himself and he must have faith in his people.  When he looks in the mirror, he must see more than himself – but his self is equally important.  Leadership is a folly without the leader supporting his own people.


During the Crusade, the Compass was broken – some points were or became vacant.


The words of King Michel.


Upon our first (interrupted meeting):

He is touched by us following, it is unexpected.


Upon our second meeting, King Michel speaks.


He gets more tired every day.  He is not the man he was, he cannot stride forth any more: he was a warrior.


He does not think he can be the King he wants to be, and wishes us to release him from Kingship: his mind is set.


For some time, he has not been feeling at one with his people, not himself.  The distance between he and his people grows: sometimes he does not understand them at all; and if you cannot understand your people, how can you decide on their behalf?


Kingship is now a burden.  He has no heir, and does not feel he can appoint a successor as he does not understand us.


The High King confers the right to name the King; the line is unbroken from the first High King to assume the title Emperor, Horota.  We must take from this place the knowledge of what must be done, so that he has a successor.  We always have a choice.


His time here in this place is passing, he seeks to walk into the light.  We must decide.  He cannot bestow the King’s blessing any more.  He proclaims that we should be his Royal Council for appointing a successor.


King Michel then speaks briefly with each member of the Crusade - from all Towers - in turn, before he ascends into the Good Sphere.




Last Updated on Thursday, 21 May 2009 12:36
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