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Scavenger Hunt Print
From Thursday, 19 March 2020 -  17:00
To Sunday, 22 March 2020 - 13:00
Every day

Following the loss of so many nations after the last time of reckoning it has been noticed that a number of places holding items of value are no longer protected as they are currently outside of what would have been said nations lands. To date these include a Halmadonian Vault, a Dymwan Library and what we believe was a Jewelled Pavilion Hepath summoning site. Before the next Time of Reckoning there is a small window where a group could potentially take advantage of this information. Volunteers are being called upon for what could be a lucrative if somewhat dangerous undertaking.

Following initial investigations the Halmadonian and Dymwan sites have been ruled as non-viable.

Therefore it is the intention to send a group to the location of the Jewelled Pavilion site. A team of valley scouts, sponsored by the Dark Path, have been sent to the area to set up watch rotations and report any activity. Although they are not based at the waystation itself they are within striking distance of the ‘Mystics Footstep’.

Report 1

Our team has arrived led by Stiletto and have begun their stake out. Some Jewelled Pavilion has been seen entering and leaving the area. A few members of other nations have also entered and left the site although it is not always the same people leaving that arrive. Scouts are following individuals and groups to see where they are heading. Others that have also scouted the area include Thissessin, Pentar, Easterlings and Nomads.

Report 2

Pentar scouts have been seen more frequently and it looks like they are sending a force to the area. Some information has been found out from the various groups leaving the area. The time to act is now and a valley adventuring team is being sent to the area to see what can be achieved. A large force of Easterlings has also arrived in the area and they have a ‘MageDoom!’

Report 3

Arriving in the area the party meet with Stiletto and his team and are given notes/reports on the comings and goings. Whilst the bases location is no longer secret the entrance is hidden and is obviously magical of some kind and the scouts have not approached that close as this could have revealed their positions and intentions. 2 days ago there was a fight not far from the Jewelled Pavilion bases location and a small number of Jewelled Pavilion with some Hepaths fought against another group of Hepaths, the first group were actively fleeing and took a number of losses before their opponents stopped chasing them. From the initial group 2 members of the pavilion and a hepath survived weighed down with what baggage they could carry and the rest was retrieved and returned by the Hepaths. Our scouts have followed them and tracked them down to a nearby waystation where they have taken refuge. This could be a chance for the party to learn what they need to know and have sent them to the waystation.

Location: Oakraven Field Centre, Jubilee Road, Mitcheldean, Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire


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